Book Pool

" I have swam in Books more than I swam in pool" - Nalnda

Nalnda allows readers to sell their eBooks. We have developed a marketplace that will allow authors and readers to sell their eBooks. However, not all second hand eBook will find a buyer.

To make sure every secondhand book has its purpose, Nalnda will allow readers to stake their eBook in pool categorized by following parameters:

  1. Decay score (DA). - All second-hand eBooks will be assigned a decay score ranging from 0 to 5. 5 means the book has the least use. The decay score is assigned based on the past ownership history, no. of cumulative hours the book has been read by all the past owners, and the edition

  2. Duration - No. of days for which the eBook will be staked

  3. APY returns are based on the no. of eBooks in a particular DA score range circulating in the market

Staking the eBook allows readers to earn an incentive in our token $NALNDA while it will help us to build another business model, Book Café, from those staked eBooks.

Last updated